2020 Election of Officers
Hi Everyone,
In accordance with the American Legion National and MA Department procedures, all Posts in Massachusetts will not have elections in 2020 due to the corona virus pandemic. The Officers will remain as follows:
Commander: John Milot
1st Vice Commander: Dick Hynes
2nd Vice Commander: John Hefele
Adjutant: Kim Leone
Finance Officer: Kent Belcher
Historian: Steve Szilniczky
Chaplain: Bob Markunis
Sgt at Arms: Juan De Valle
Quartermaster: Dave Labonte
Elections will resume in 2021.
John Hefele, 2nd Vice Commander
In accordance with the American Legion National and MA Department procedures, all Posts in Massachusetts will not have elections in 2020 due to the corona virus pandemic. The Officers will remain as follows:
Commander: John Milot
1st Vice Commander: Dick Hynes
2nd Vice Commander: John Hefele
Adjutant: Kim Leone
Finance Officer: Kent Belcher
Historian: Steve Szilniczky
Chaplain: Bob Markunis
Sgt at Arms: Juan De Valle
Quartermaster: Dave Labonte
Elections will resume in 2021.
John Hefele, 2nd Vice Commander